Rockin' YouTube Shorts: Tips, Hashtags, and the Groovy Algorithm!

Posted On: 1 September 2023

Interested in diving into the world of YouTube Shorts and building a Shorts presence for yourself or your brand? Well, buckle up, because this is where the fun begins! Shorts, inspired by the TikTok phenomenon, is the hotshot content type on YouTube, serving up a whopping 50 billion daily views on the app. Yep, you read that right – 50 billion!

But, before you dive headfirst into creating Shorts content, let’s make sure you’re armed with all the insider tips. Lucky for you, YouTube just dropped a juicy interview with Shorts Product Lead, Todd Sherman. He’s spilling the beans on everything from hashtags to the Shorts algorithm and what’s cooking in the future.

Here are the highlights:

Cracking the Shorts Algorithm

Forget about cracking the code; just think about your audience! The Shorts algorithm isn’t your regular YouTube algorithm; it dances to its own beat. While long-form videos have viewers carefully selecting their next video, Shorts viewers are swiping through a feed, discovering gems as they go. So, YouTube focuses on engagement signals, like watch time, rewatches, likes, shares, and comments, to dish up content you’ll adore. The magic also lies in entity recognition – YouTube’s secret sauce for surfacing content you’ll love.

Counting Shorts Views

Views on Shorts aren’t mere blips on the screen. They’re actual proof of your audience’s intent. When someone hits that view button, it means they’re into what you’re serving. YouTube keeps the exact view-counting recipe under wraps to keep the system cheat-proof.

Shorts Length – No Expansion Here!

Don’t expect Shorts to turn into epic sagas; they’re sticking to their snappy 60-second format. YouTube has other long-form options for that.

Thumbnail Options – Keep It Simple

YouTube isn’t serving up fancy thumbnail tools for Shorts because most views come from swipers who won’t even notice your thumbnail masterpiece. You can choose a frame from your clip as the thumbnail, but that’s about it.

To Hashtag or Not to Hashtag?

Hashtags aren’t mandatory on Shorts, but they can sprinkle a little magic on your content. Use them to tie into real-world events or focus on trending topics – it’s your call!

Shorts Volume – Quality Over Quantity

Quality trumps quantity when it comes to Shorts. Flooding the platform with subpar content won’t do you any favors. Pour your energy into making top-notch Shorts instead of churning out a sea of mediocrity.

Deleting and Re-Uploading – Not So Fast!

Thinking about playing the delete-and-reupload game to boost your Shorts’ reach? Todd Sherman suggests you think again. YouTube might see it as spam, and nobody wants to be labeled a spammer, right?

The Future of Shorts – Cue the AI!

Hold onto your hats because Shorts is getting a dose of AI magic! While Todd is keeping things a tad mysterious, it’s safe to assume that AI will weave some creative wizardry into the Shorts experience. Think AI-powered creation tools and generative elements – exciting stuff ahead!

So, there you have it, the lowdown on Shorts and how to make the most of it. Get ready to ride the Shorts wave and make a splash in the world of snappy, engaging content!