Demystifying the Instagram Algorithm in 2023

Posted On: 1 June 2023

Have you ever wondered how the Instagram algorithm really works? Well, you’re in luck because we’re about to break it down for you. In this article, we’ll dive into the intricacies of the Instagram algorithm for feed posts, stories, the Explore page, and Instagram Reels in 2023.

Moreover, we’ll share some valuable tips on how to “hack” the Instagram algorithm, so you can boost engagement for your business or brand.

Understanding the Instagram Algorithm When people talk about the Instagram algorithm, it’s often treated as a single concept. However, in reality, there are multiple algorithms at play.

Instagram itself describes its algorithms as a combination of various classifiers, processes, and technologies, each with its own purpose. The overarching goal is to enhance your experience by personalising the content you see on the platform.

If you work in social media, staying informed about the latest algorithm updates can give you a significant advantage. By tailoring your strategy to align with what the algorithm prioritises, you can reach more users and cultivate an engaged community of followers.

So, what are the key signals that drive the Instagram algorithms?

  1. Who: Whose posts do you interact with? If you frequently engage with someone’s content, such as liking or commenting on it, you’re more likely to see their posts in your feed.
  2. What: What types of content do you engage with? For instance, if you enjoy beauty-related content, the algorithm will continue to show you similar content.
  3. When: The timing of a post plays a role in its relevance to you. The algorithm considers the time it was posted and also takes into account your scrolling habits to determine what content to prioritise.

Let’s now delve deeper into how each algorithm functions, based on the type of content.

Decoding the Instagram Algorithm for Feed Posts in 2023 The Instagram feed algorithm has undergone significant changes over the past five years, shifting towards a model that emphasises user interest.

When determining the ranking of a post on someone’s Home feed, the algorithm takes into account the likelihood of five main interactions:

  1. Time spent: Will the post capture your attention and keep you engaged?
  2. Likes: How likely are you to double-tap and like the post?
  3. Comments: What are the chances that you’ll leave a comment?
  4. Saves: Will you find the content valuable enough to save it?
  5. Taps on Profile: Are you likely to tap on the profile after seeing the post?

Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, explains that the more probable an action is, and the more weight that action carries, the higher the post will appear in your feed.

But how does the algorithm discern the content you’re most likely to interact with?

According to Mosseri, it’s a complex process. “We continuously add and remove signals and predictions, striving to improve the relevance of the content we surface to you.”

These signals include:

  • Post information: Is it a photo or a video? When was it posted? How many likes has it received?
  • Poster information: How interesting is the content creator to you? Are they your friend? How often do people engage with their content?
  • Your activity: Do you frequently watch videos? What kind of content do you typically engage with?
  • Your interaction history: Do you usually like or comment on the posts of a particular creator?

In summary, the Instagram algorithm meticulously monitors all your interactions on the app, from the posts you like to the accounts you engage with, in order to deliver content that aligns with your interests.

Other Factors Influencing Feed Post Ranking on Instagram In addition to the interest score, there are other factors that can impact the position of a post in someone’s Home feed. These include:

  • Image or video quality
  • Originality (i.e., whether the post has already been shared on Instagram)
  • Watermarks
  • Violations of Instagram’s Community Guidelines
  • Reported content

The Importance of Engagements for the Instagram Algorithm Engagement is crucial, especially when it comes to the Instagram algorithm. It takes into account how likely you are to comment, like, save, spend time on, or tap on a profile.

As you plan your content and captions, keep these questions in mind:

  • Is this post likely to receive likes or comments?
  • Is this a post that someone would save and revisit?
  • Does this post include a call-to-action (e.g., “Click the link in my bio”) that encourages users to tap on your profile?

Creating content that prompts these types of engagements can help you “hack” the Instagram algorithm and drive more favourable outcomes for your account.

Unraveling the Instagram Reels Algorithm in 2023

Understanding how to “hack” the Reels algorithm can give you a significant advantage if you’re aiming to grow your presence on Instagram.

Similar to feed posts, Instagram prioritises Reels based on what it believes the viewer will be most inclined to interact with. It utilises a set of signals to rank content accordingly.

According to Instagram, brands and creators should focus on creating Reels that are entertaining, inspiring, or experimental. They should also leverage creative tools like text, camera effects, and filters.

To optimise your chances of visibility, it’s advisable to avoid sharing low-resolution or blurry Reels, content that has already been shared elsewhere, or visibly recycled content from another app. Such Reels will be deprioritised, meaning they are less likely to appear across the app.

For an extra boost, consider sharing your Instagram Reels to your main feed, using relevant keywords and hashtags to enhance discoverability, and including on-screen captions to improve accessibility.

Demystifying the Instagram Stories Algorithm in 2023

The Instagram Stories algorithm primarily prioritises content from the accounts with which you interact the most, rather than the specific content of a story.

Given their fleeting nature, timeliness is less critical for stories, although it can have a slight impact on ranking once a story surpasses 10 hours.

To encourage engagement, it’s a good idea to regularly share Instagram Stories that prompt interactions. Stickers like polls, questions, and quizzes are excellent tools to drive engagement.

Cracking the Instagram Explore Page Algorithm in 2023

The Instagram Explore page algorithm aims to deliver content that it believes will capture your interest, based on your prior interactions.

While your Instagram Home feed consists mainly of content from accounts you already follow, the Explore feed predominantly features content from new accounts.

The Explore page is continuously evolving, with new topic categories and advanced search functionalities introduced regularly.

For example, you can now search by keywords in addition to hashtags, enabling you to discover feeds of relevant content.

This suggests that the Explore page algorithm considers both the visual content of your posts and the words in your captions. By consistently sharing engaging content accompanied by strong captions, relevant keywords, and niche hashtags, you optimise your posts for Explore page potential.


7  Strategies to Outsmart the Instagram Algorithm in 2023

If you want to enhance your ranking with the Instagram algorithm, driving as many interactions (likes, comments, saves, and clicks) as possible is key.

By building momentum within your existing community, you increase the likelihood of your content being surfaced to new audiences.

Here are seven strategies to improve your algorithmic ranking and reach broader audiences:

  1. Consistently Share Instagram Reels: Instagram Reels continue to receive substantial promotion across the entire app experience. They occupy twice as much real estate on the Instagram Explore page, making them a significant tactic for discovery and growth.
  2. Encourage Interactions with Instagram Stories Stickers: Instagram Stories stickers are effective tools for driving audience engagement. The more engagement your posts receive, the higher they will be boosted by the Instagram algorithm. Stickers like polls, emoji sliders, and question stickers are particularly effective.
  3. Drive Conversations with Engaging Captions: Comments and likes are important factors for feed ranking, so it’s beneficial to encourage as many as possible for your posts. Engaging captions that prompt discussion or action, such as sharing thoughts, double-tapping to agree, tagging friends in the comments, or clicking the link in your bio, can help drive engagement.
  4. Add Hashtags and Keywords to Your Posts: Including hashtags and keywords in your posts is an effective way to reach more people on Instagram, thereby increasing the “views” considered by the algorithm. Focus on using quality, hyper-relevant hashtags. Utilising Later’s Hashtag Suggestions feature can help you discover new hashtags for your brand.
  5. Ask Followers to Add You to Their Favourites Feed: Encourage your followers to add you to their Favourites Feed, a curated chronological feed where users can include up to 50 accounts they love. Instagram confirmed that posts from accounts in the Favourites Feed will be prioritised in users’ Home feeds, indicated by a star. This allows loyal followers to see and engage with your content, signaling the algorithm to share it with more people.
  6. Cross-promote Your Instagram Content: Cross-promoting your Instagram content is a quick and effective way to boost engagement and algorithm ranking. Instagram Collabs posts with co-shared authorship provide a great opportunity to reach new audiences and engage with each other’s communities.
  7. Use Instagram Analytics to Track Performance: Monitoring how your content performs on Instagram is crucial to understand and optimise your ranking with the algorithm. Utilise Instagram Analytics to track key metrics over time, such as engagement, followers, reach, and likes. This data will provide valuable insights for refining your marketing strategy.

By implementing these strategies and leveraging the features and tools available on Instagram, you can increase your visibility, engagement, and overall success on the platform.