YouTube's Latest Changes: Making the App Safer for Young Users

Posted On: 3 November 2023

YouTube is rolling out some cool new updates to keep younger users safe and happy while they’re scrolling through videos.

What’s the buzz all about? Well, YouTube’s making some changes to protect teens from seeing stuff that might not be good for them. The site’s been working with experts who know a lot about how kids grow up, and they found out that certain types of videos can make young people feel bad about themselves if they watch them a lot.

So, what’s YouTube going to do? They’re planning to stop suggesting certain types of videos to teens. Stuff that talks too much about how bodies look, or that shows fighting without touching, won’t pop up as much for younger viewers. The idea is that even though watching one of these videos might be okay, seeing lots of them could make someone feel not so great.

It’s interesting how YouTube is doing this, sort of like how the Chinese Government manages things on Douyin, their version of TikTok. Over there, they noticed some not-so-great stuff getting popular, so they made changes to show more positive videos to young people.

The way YouTube’s doing it is a bit gentler compared to how the Chinese Government handles things. But both ways show how important it is to understand how what we watch online can affect what we do in real life.

There’s more! YouTube’s also adding more reminders for young users to take breaks while using the app. And they’re making it easier for anyone who needs help with tough things like feeling sad or having eating problems to find useful info.

They’re teaming up with experts and groups like the World Health Organization to make guides that help both teens and parents. These guides will give tips on how to use the internet in a nice way, create content with kindness, and more.

It’s a big step to help young users feel safer and better when they’re online. It’s cool to see YouTube working hard to make the app a nicer place for everyone.