X's Bold Move: Bidding Farewell to Counts and Buttons, Embracing the View

Posted On: 9 October 2023

Alright, let’s dive into the latest buzz about X – you won’t believe what Elon Musk just dropped on us!

Fresh from giving link previews a makeover (now with only the snazzy header image), Elon, our visionary overlord, spills the beans on the future of the X UI. Brace yourself, folks!

Say cheerio to all those interaction counts and action buttons cluttering up your feeds – they’re pulling a vanishing act. But worry not, it’s all part of the grand plan. Soon, you’ll only see them when you decide to expand a post. Streamlined, right?

Imagine posts in-stream looking like a sleek minimalist masterpiece. But, hang on a sec, is this a good idea? Some might argue it’s a bit like hiding your favourite biscuits – less interaction, less fun. Remember when Instagram tried hiding like counts? Engagement took a nosedive faster than a cuppa on a rollercoaster.

The data wizards tell us that hiding likes could mean less reposts and peer actions having a snooze. Now, that might be okay for our personal Zen, but influencers looking to spice up their ad revenue won’t be doing the happy dance.

Instagram spilled the tea that folks use likes to suss out what’s trending. X is all about real-time engagement, so cutting down on the instant love might cramp its style.

Now, if you’re thinking this could be a good thing – less reposts, less mischief – you might be onto something. But X needs to pitch this to ad partners and users. Convince them that less is more, engagement-wise.

For some context, X boasts a whopping 500 million daily posts, and 300 million of those are reposts and quotes. That’s a lot of virtual chatter!

The plan is to replace those clicks and counts with more swipes and taps. Double-tap to like, swipe to reply – sounds nifty, but will it be as effective? The bigger question is, can X weather the storm of potential revenue hiccups in the short term?

Picture a world with less focus on vanity metrics and more on reach. Could this push users to pay more attention to the actual content? It might align X with YouTube’s metric style, and since X is gunning for more video content, it could be a match made in social media heaven.

But, and it’s a big but, change is always a tough sell. X needs to bounce back financially, considering the hefty debt it’s carrying. So, Elon, mate, we’re all holding our breath. Is this a genius move or a roll of the dice? Time will spill the digital tea. Good luck, X!