WhatsApp Introduces Voice Messages with "View Once" Feature

Posted On: 8 December 2023

In the world of instant messaging, WhatsApp continues to evolve. Today, we bring you a noteworthy update that may appear minor but holds its own charm.

WhatsApp has now introduced a fresh twist to voice messages with what they call “View Once” functionality. Although, one could argue that “Listen Once” might be a more accurate moniker – but let’s not get too bogged down in naming conventions.

According to WhatsApp:

“Back in 2021, we introduced the View Once feature for photos and videos, enhancing message privacy. Today, we are excited to announce the extension of this feature to voice messages.”

In simple terms, “View Once” for voice enables you to send voice messages that vanish into thin air after a single listen.

This seemingly small update could prove invaluable for scenarios involving confidential discussions or the sharing of sensitive information. Moreover, it diversifies WhatsApp’s toolkit, making it more versatile for different types of conversations.

The significance of this feature becomes more apparent in regions where numerous languages are spoken but not necessarily written. Consider India, with its myriad local dialects. While people may comprehend spoken dialogues, they might not be as comfortable with text-based communication.

By offering additional audio options, WhatsApp is accommodating these communication nuances, making this a welcome addition.

“As with all your personal messages, WhatsApp ensures the security of your voice messages through default end-to-end encryption. View Once is yet another testament to our unwavering commitment to privacy innovation.”

In the grand scheme of things, this update may not be a game-changer, but it unquestionably enhances the WhatsApp experience. It’s another tool in WhatsApp’s arsenal, ready to serve specific needs and bring value to your conversations.

So, next time you want to send a voice message with a little more privacy, remember that WhatsApp has you covered with the “View Once” feature – or should we say, “Listen Once.