Vanish Mode Updated: Meta's Disappearing 'Seen' Signals

Posted On: 8 November 2023

Listen up: Meta’s got some nifty updates to make your social media life a breeze.

You know those “Read” and “Seen” signs in your Instagram or Facebook DMs? They spill the beans that you’ve seen a message, even if you’re not ready to reply. Well, guess what? Meta’s here to save the day!

They’ve just announced that soon, you’ll have the power to turn off those read receipts. Say goodbye to those pesky “Seen” notifications! And it’s not just for Instagram – it’s coming to all of Meta’s messaging tools. So, if you want to keep your friends or family in the dark about having read their message, you’ll be able to do just that.

Now, personally, I don’t think it’s a big deal. Most people get that life gets busy and we can’t always respond instantly. But for some, those “Seen” notifications can be a bother. They see you’ve read their message, and if you take a while to reply, they might feel a bit left out. But now, you can turn off those notifications and pretend you haven’t seen the message until you’re ready to reply. Crisis averted!

This update has been on many people’s wish lists, and it’s great to see Meta delivering. And get this – it’s not just handy for regular users – it could be useful for businesses too. When you’re managing a business, responding quickly to customers is key. But there are times when managing those expectations is important. Turning off read receipts can help control when you reply, without customers knowing you’ve seen their messages.

Meta’s taking this update seriously – they’re testing it with a select group and planning a bigger release soon. Get ready for a more relaxed messaging experience without those revealing “Seen” notifications. Happy chatting, everyone.