TikTok Unveils Novel Approach for Ads in Search Queries

Posted On: 23 August 2023

TikTok is leveling up its game for brands by unleashing a new weapon in their advertising arsenal – the “Search Ads Toggle.” This nifty addition lets brands dive headfirst into the swirling sea of search interest within the app. When you activate this toggle, your ads get the golden ticket to strut their stuff in response to related search queries.

Imagine this: you’re scrolling through TikTok, hunting for the latest trends, and BAM! There they are – Search Ads standing out like dazzling stars with their “Sponsored” badges, making waves right in the midst of your search results.

Now, don’t get me wrong, these Search Ads have been hanging around for over a year, but guess what? TikTok is giving them a turbo boost. This time, all those ads you see in your feed have a shot at starring in search displays too.

Hold on to your seat, because the magic happens as smoothly as a dance move. When you’re setting up your ad, picture this – a shiny new toggle winking at you from the “Placements” section. This toggle is like the key to a treasure trove, opening up the world of search results for your ads.

And here’s the kicker: the toggle comes ready to party, already switched on by default. So, unless you have an aversion to your ads taking a stroll in search results (which honestly, why would you?), you’re good to go. I mean, think about it – it’s like a virtual red carpet rolled out in front of an eager audience genuinely interested in your topic. But hey, if you’re more of a private party kind of brand, you can simply uncheck the toggle and keep your ads chillin’ in the in-feed zone.

TikTok spills the beans that this new move is your ticket to reach those users who are seriously on the hunt – the ones hunting for intel that’s smack dab in your business’s wheelhouse. It’s a smooth path to more engagement and a cash register that just might start singing a happier tune.

But wait, there’s more! TikTok knows that life doesn’t always go according to plan. So, whether you’re starting a fresh campaign or shaking things up midway through an ongoing one, you can activate the Search Ads Toggle without breaking a sweat. Your campaign’s learning curve won’t skip a beat.

Bottom line? This could be your secret ingredient for turbocharging your TikTok campaign. With TikTok climbing the ranks as a treasure trove of product discovery, giving search engines a run for their money, your ads could be lighting up search results like fireworks on the New Year night.