Meta Drops Responsible AI Team in Company Changes

Posted On: 20 November 2023
Illustration shows Meta AI logo

Meta’s Responsible AI (RAI) team has decided to part ways, with the company redirecting its energy towards generative artificial intelligence.

According to the reports, most RAI crew members are now waltzing over to the company’s generative AI product team, while others are putting in elbow grease on Meta’s AI infrastructure. Meta is big on responsible AI, swearing by it on a dedicated page that outlines their “pillars of responsible AI” – think accountability, transparency, safety, privacy, and the whole shebang.

Jon Carvill, Meta’s spokesperson, says they’re not abandoning the safety ship. He’s on record saying they’ll “continue to prioritize and invest in safe and responsible AI development.” Even though the RAI team is being split like a Kit Kat, its ex-members will keep their hands in the responsible AI cookie jar, supporting cross-Meta efforts.

No word from Meta itself – they’ve gone radio silent on comments.

This breakup isn’t the first rodeo for the RAI team. Earlier this year, they went through a makeover, and according to Business Insider, it left them looking like a ghost town. The report spills the beans that the RAI team, which kicked off in 2019, had about as much autonomy as a backseat driver and had to endure marathon stakeholder debates before getting anything done.

RAI’s gig was to play detective on Meta’s AI training methods, making sure the models were soaking up a good mix of info to prevent mishaps like wonky Facebook translations causing wrongful arrests or WhatsApp AI stickers churning out biased pics.

This Meta move isn’t a solo act; Microsoft pulled a similar stunt earlier this year. It’s all part of a global AI regulation hoedown. The US government shook hands with AI companies, and President Biden told agencies to draft some safety rules. Meanwhile, the European Union penned its AI principles and is still wrestling with the AI Act. Keep your popcorn handy – the AI saga continues!