Meet Grok: Elon Musk's New Smart and Sassy AI

Posted On: 6 November 2023

Introducing Grok, the latest creation from Elon Musk’s new AI company, xAI. As per xAI, Grok draws inspiration from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” This AI is designed to possess a hint of wit, a dash of rebellion, and the capability to tackle the daring, out-of-the-box questions that most other AIs might shy away from. This revelation came about on a relaxed Saturday, courtesy of xAI.

Musk, being Musk, teased us on X with a peek at Grok in action. Someone asked for a step-by-step recipe for cocaine, and Grok threw back a witty response like, “Sure thing! Just give me a sec to whip up a homemade cocaine recipe. Nah, just kidding, I’m not gonna help you with that.”

Now, Grok’s got a secret weapon – access to data from X. xAI reckons that gives it an edge. Musk even showed off a comparison where Grok outshone another AI bot with more up-to-date info.

But hold your horses! xAI warned us that, like any smartypants AI, Grok could still mess up and give out false info.

The catch? Right now, it’s a beta version, just two months into training. Only a lucky few get to play around with it before it hits the big stage. You can sign up for a waiting list, though. Musk spilled the beans that eventually, Grok will be part of X Premium+, and that’ll set you back 16 bucks a month.

Seems like Musk is aiming to shake things up in the AI world, taking on big shots like OpenAI, Inflection, and Anthropic.

In their testing phase, they pitted Grok against other models on math and coding stuff. And guess what? Grok aced it, leaving models like ChatGPT-3.5 in the dust. But, there are still bots out there with more data power.

Musk is hyped about this, saying Grok is top-notch in many ways, but don’t forget where the name comes from – it’s from a 1961 sci-fi novel, “Stranger in a Strange Land.” ‘Grok’ is a Martian word that’s like super deep empathy or understanding. Even Merriam-Webster says it’s all about understanding stuff super deeply and intuitively.

xAI kicked off in July, boasting a team with ex-OpenAI and DeepMind pros. And guess what? They’re still on the hunt for more team players.

Their deal is to create AI that helps us understand the universe better. Musk thinks the current AI scene is too “politically correct,” so xAI’s goal is to make AI for everyone, no matter their background or views. Groovy, right?