Making TikTok a Priority in Your 2024 Marketing Strategy

Posted On: 8 January 2024
tiktok 2024

Are you contemplating elevating TikTok’s role in your marketing endeavors for 2024? The platform has firmly established itself as a premier entertainment source in 2023, attracting over a billion users for the latest in clips, music, trends, and product discoveries. Despite its e-commerce push not taking off as expected, TikTok remains a burgeoning field for brands that master its nuances.

To help you focus on TikTok in the coming year, here are five essential tips:

  1. Research Competitors Competitor analysis is crucial on any social platform, including TikTok. Familiarize yourself with how others in your niche are succeeding (or not) on the app. Utilize TikTok’s Creative Center tools to delve into top performers based on brand category, products, and hashtags. Don’t forget to explore trending hashtags within your category for insights into key creators and brands.
  2. Research Top-Performing Ads TikTok’s “Top Ads” feature is a treasure trove of insights, showing you what promotions are resonating with users in your sector. Select your region and product category to uncover the top-performing ads, and learn from their success to refine your strategy.
  3. Research Hashtags While their influence has waned, hashtags still play a role in ensuring your content appears in relevant search streams. TikTok’s “Trend Intelligence” tool can help you find pertinent hashtags by industry, and you can delve into demographic insights, related tags, and top creators for each trend.
  4. Familiarize Yourself with Relevant Influencers Given TikTok’s entertainment-centric nature, engaging videos are key. While working with established creators can amplify your reach, at least understanding the top creators in your sector is vital. This insight can inform your content creation, even if you choose not to collaborate directly with influencers.
  5. Try Out TikTok’s AI Ad Tools TikTok is increasingly incorporating AI into its tools, offering a Creative Assistant chatbot and an AI script generator. These can guide your marketing efforts and help create compelling content. With ByteDance’s focus on AI, expect more advanced tools in the near future, potentially opening new avenues for creative and direct promotions.

TikTok also explores new market opportunities, like in-app food ordering, signalling its intent to become a more significant platform for direct consumer engagement. While the possibility of the app being banned in the U.S. lingers, the potential benefits of mastering TikTok for brand engagement and learning transferable skills for other platforms like Reels and Shorts remain substantial.

In essence, if your target audience is spending significant time on TikTok, it’s a platform you can’t afford to ignore in your 2024 marketing strategy.