LinkedIn Heads-Up: Your Old Carousels Will Disappear Next Month!

Posted On: 10 November 2023

Hey, LinkedIn pals! Hold tight because your digital playground is getting a makeover!

Brace yourselves for some news hotter than a pizza roll straight out of the microwave – LinkedIn is changing things up with carousels, profile videos, and clickable links in images. Yep, you heard it right. Your LinkedIn feed is getting a facelift, and it’s time to chat about what’s sticking around, what’s saying goodbye, and why you might need to wave farewell to your clickable links.

Imagine scrolling through your LinkedIn world, flipping through carousels like a content pro, only to find out that come 14th December 2023, the carousel fun is over. The same goes for profile videos – they had their time, but now it’s lights out. And clickable links in images? Well, they’re taking a break, leaving your content link-less and a bit lonely.

Why the change, you ask? According to LinkedIn gossip (thanks, Matt Navarra), it seems these features were about as popular as a quiet library. Not many folks were into it, so LinkedIn is tidying up its place. If you’ve been embedding links in your content, they’re about to do a vanishing act – LinkedIn-style magic tricks.

But don’t stress, LinkedIn rebels! If you were the brainiac behind carousels with PDF slides, your workaround is still good – for now. Dust off those PDFs because the carousel show must go on.

And for those feeling a bit sentimental about profile videos or carousel magic, LinkedIn’s got your back. Just shoot them a message at [email protected] before 11th December, and they’ll send you a digital keepsake. It’s like getting a souvenir from a trip you didn’t know you were on.

So, LinkedIn warriors, as we wave bye to carousels, profile videos, and clickable links in images, let’s raise our virtual glasses to the next chapter in the LinkedIn story. The stage is set, the curtains are up, and who knows – maybe the next LinkedIn update will bring back animated gifs or holographic business cards.

Until then, stay in the loop, ride the waves of change, and, most importantly, have a good time on LinkedIn!