Instagram's Comment Polls: New Fun for Feed and Reels!

Posted On: 20 October 2023
Instagram's Comment Polls: New Fun for Feed and Reels!

Hey Instagrammers, guess what? Instagram is spicing things up with a brand new way to get people talking! They’re testing out comments with polls for a select group of users.

Now, you’ll have the power to throw interactive polls right into the comment sections of your regular posts and Reels (you could already do this in Stories and DMs).

Instagram has been playing around with this idea for about half a year, and some early versions were spotted by a few users during the testing phase.

Why are polls a big deal, you ask? Well, they’re like the life of the party in other apps because they’re simple and fun. Viewers can easily share their opinions and engage with your content.

For brands and creators, this is a golden opportunity. You can gather feedback and boost your engagement numbers because these polls make it super easy to get tons of interactions. It’s a win-win for both parties and Instagram’s algorithm loves it.

According to Instagram’s head honcho, Adam Mosseri, this new feature is just a “small test” for now. But the big boss of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, has spilled the beans that it will roll out to everyone soon.

So, get ready to experiment with these polls, and let’s see how people use them to liven up their posts! 🎉