Instagram Now Lets You Share Reels and Feed Posts Only with Your Close Friends

Posted On: 15 November 2023

Get ready for the inside scoop, Instagram aficionados! You know that “Close Friends” feature where you spill the beans on your Stories? Well, hold onto your hats because Instagram just cranked it up a notch.

Starting today, not only can you keep your juiciest Stories under wraps with your chosen inner circle, but you can also sprinkle that magic on your feed posts and Reels too! Your feed game just got a VIP upgrade.

Picture this: you’ve got that one tight-knit squad, and you want to share some snaps and Reels exclusively with them. Thanks to Instagram’s latest update, that dream is now a reality. It’s like having your personal VIP section in the Instagram universe!

This isn’t some beta test either – Instagram started trying it out with a lucky bunch in September, and now it’s official for everyone. So, curate your content for those special peeps on your “Close Friends” list and watch the magic happen.

Let’s rewind to 2018 when Instagram introduced “Close Friends” for Stories. It was a game-changer, letting you keep it real with up to 100 mates in a private hangout, away from the public eye. Fast forward to today, and they’ve extended the VIP treatment to your Reels and feed posts. Kudos, Instagram!

Why? Turns out, people are more into sharing their stories and sliding into DMs than making noise on the main feed. Even Instagram bigwig Adam Mosseri spilled the beans last year, saying friends are all about the stories these days.

Instagram’s playing the cool kid, recognizing the shift towards more private vibes in the app world. They get it – you want to share with your crew without the whole world peeking in. And with the rise of AI-suggested content taking up space in your feed, it’s like they’re saying, “Let’s make Instagram about friends and fun again!”

So, the next time you’re itching to share that hilarious Reel or that perfect sunset pic, consider giving it an exclusive pass to your “Close Friends.” Let’s see if Instagrammers everywhere jump on this bandwagon and turn their feeds into a private party!