Instagram Clarifies Distribution Rules for Longer Reels Clips

Posted On: 30 May 2024

At first glance, it might seem confusing, but recent updates from Instagram have shed light on the impact of posting longer Reels on your reach. Today, the Instagram Creators profile shared an informative explainer video addressing this topic. Instagram’s team clarified that while users can post videos over 90 seconds, these longer clips won’t be eligible for recommendation in the Explore or Reels Tab.

This new information aligns with advice shared at an Instagram creator event two weeks ago, where the team highlighted that posting Reels over 90 seconds can negatively impact distribution. The reason behind this, as revealed in today’s update, is that longer Reels are not recommended within the app’s main discovery features. Consequently, this affects their reach, as they won’t appear in the prominent recommendation surfaces that drive much of Instagram’s engagement.

Instagram’s research seems to indicate that users prefer shorter clips in the Explore and Reels tabs. Including longer content in these sections might reduce overall engagement, which is likely why Instagram has set this limitation. Despite this, Instagram has been experimenting with longer Reels options, such as 3-minute and even 10-minute clips. However, these extended formats are not yet slated for a full launch.

It’s important to understand that while longer Reels might be useful and engaging in certain contexts, they won’t benefit from the same level of exposure as shorter clips. Instagram isn’t entirely excluding longer Reels; it’s just not highlighting them within its recommendation systems. Therefore, if you decide to post a Reel over 90 seconds, it should be for specific situations where the content’s length adds significant value, even though it won’t achieve the same reach potential as shorter Reels.

In summary, Instagram’s latest update clarifies that while you can post longer Reels, their distribution will be limited. This nuanced approach helps maintain the app’s overall engagement levels, ensuring that the content in Explore and Reels tabs remains appealing to the majority of users.