From Instagram to Messenger: Meta Introduces Inbox Notes Feature

Posted On: 17 November 2023

Messenger has just dropped a new feature on the block – Notes! It’s like Instagram’s Notes but with a Messenger twist, allowing you to post text prompts for all your pals to see. Ready for a bit of textual banter? Well, now you can, right in the app alongside your Stories.

Now, while it might not be grabbing the headlines for everyone, here’s the inside scoop. IG’s Notes are a hit, especially with the younger crowd. Over 100 million teens hopped on the note-sharing bandwagon in the last three months, crafting them at a speed that’ll make your nan’s head spin – 10 times faster than the non-teen squad. Why does this matter? Meta’s aiming to win back the youth who’ve been drifting towards Snapchat and TikTok.

So, whether it’s a game-changer for you or not, Notes could be the next big thing for the younger peeps. And even if it’s not, it’s a low-key experiment, giving us a fresh way to connect without breaking the virtual bank.

But hold up, there’s a twist in this Notes tale. Unlike its Insta cousin, Messenger’s Notes can’t groove to music, share GIFs, or flaunt videos. However, they do get a 24-hour spotlight in your stream, ready to spark a quick chat with a snappy prompt (60 characters max). Perfect for those last-minute catch-ups during the festive season – a subtle shout-out to all your contacts without drowning in holiday promos.

Oh, and heads up – Business Pages are taking a breather from posting Notes. Imagine your feed exploding with promos from every account you’ve ever slid into the DMs with – a bit much, right? So, while Notes might not be stealing the show for everyone, it’s a quirky little addition that might just sprinkle some fun into your Messenger adventures. Cheers to the power of the Note!