Facebook's Focus on Young Adults: A Strategic Shift or a Lost Cause?

Posted On: 6 June 2024

Facebook’s recent declaration of its intention to target young adults for the next phase of its development seems somewhat out of touch with current social media trends. With platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat dominating youth engagement, can Facebook really regain its appeal to this demographic?

The announcement, made in a post last week, outlines Facebook’s aim to build the next generation of social media for young adults, leveraging new product capabilities enabled by AI. But is Facebook truly the go-to platform for young adults?

Despite Facebook’s claims of healthy growth in young adult app usage, research from Pew Research paints a different picture. The share of teens using Facebook has declined significantly over the years, with only 33% using the platform today, compared to 71% in 2014-2015.

However, Facebook remains optimistic about its ability to recapture youth interest. It points to features like Marketplace, Reels, and Facebook Groups as areas where young users are actively engaging. Surprisingly, even Facebook Dating is experiencing steady growth, particularly among young adults in the United States and Canada.

But while these features may attract occasional use, it’s unclear how much time young users are spending on the platform compared to competitors like TikTok. Are they simply checking in for practical purposes before returning to more engaging platforms?

Facebook’s focus on young adults may signal a strategic shift, but whether it can truly compete with the allure of other social media platforms remains to be seen. As the landscape continues to evolve, Facebook will need to work hard to re-establish its relevance among younger audiences.