Boost Your Reach on TikTok with TikTok SEO Tips

Posted On: 16 June 2023
FILE PHOTO: Illustration shows TikTok app logo

Are you looking to enhance your brand’s visibility on TikTok? With over a billion active users and millions of videos viewed every minute, TikTok has become an incredibly addictive social media platform. However, standing out on TikTok can be challenging. That’s where TikTok SEO comes into play. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of TikTok SEO, the factors that affect visibility on the platform, and provide you with valuable tips to boost your reach. Plus, we have exciting news—we now offer TikTok and Reels services to help your brand thrive!

What is TikTok SEO? Similar to regular search engine optimisation, TikTok SEO involves optimising your content to increase its visibility in search results and improve discoverability on the platform. By understanding how the TikTok algorithm works, you can ensure that your content reaches the right audience at the right time, maximising your brand’s exposure.

Why is TikTok SEO important?

TikTok SEO offers several benefits for your brand’s marketing efforts:

  1. Attract a Targeted Audience: With longer video descriptions now available on TikTok, you can optimize them with relevant keywords to reach an audience actively searching for content related to those keywords. By targeting a specific audience, you increase the chances of your videos resonating with viewers and engaging them.
  2. Boost Engagement: When you attract a highly targeted audience through TikTok SEO, you enhance the likelihood of viewers engaging with your content. Engaged viewers are more likely to like, comment, and share your videos, amplifying their reach.
  3. Maximize Reach: Increased engagement among a relevant audience improves your content’s discoverability among users who share similar interests. Your videos may appear in the “For You” pages of users who have shown an affinity for related content, expanding your reach to a highly relevant audience.

Key Factors in TikTok SEO To succeed

It’s important to understand the key ranking factors that influence visibility on the platform:

  1. User Interactions: The TikTok algorithm considers how users interact with content and accounts. Factors such as accounts followed, liked videos, shared videos, and comments posted determine the relevance of content to individual users. Fine-tuning your recommendations, the algorithm also takes into account videos saved as favourites or marked as “not interested.”
  2. Video Information: TikTok analyses video information, including keywords and hashtags in captions, as well as the sounds used. Optimising these elements allows the algorithm to determine the appropriate audience for your video.
  3. Device and Account Settings: Users’ device type, country setting, and language preferences also influence the types of videos shown to them. TikTok is more likely to recommend your videos to users in your country.

Five Tips to Boost Your Reach with TikTok SEO

Now, let’s dive into practical tips to implement TikTok SEO and enhance your brand’s reach:

  1. Understand Your Audience: Begin by gaining a deep understanding of your target audience—their preferences, content interests, and engagement patterns. Utilise TikTok’s Audience Insights tool, available within TikTok Ads Manager, to gain valuable data on your audience’s top hashtags, engaged users, demographics, interests, and behaviours. This analysis will guide your content strategy and help you create videos that resonate with your audience.
  2. Research Relevant Keywords: Conduct keyword research specific to TikTok using the platform’s internal data. Understand how users phrase their searches to optimise your video descriptions effectively. TikTok’s Keyword Insights tool provides keyword-level insights, such as popularity, popularity change, and click-through rate. Incorporate these insights into your content strategy for maximum impact.
  3. Incorporate Keywords Strategically: Apply your keyword research by crafting highly descriptive captions that naturally incorporate relevant keywords. Leverage TikTok’s